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  For a long time, Shanghai translation company has been heard from literature and art to the humanities and Social Sciences, translation quality declining, translation talents and how to lean. Also noted that more than 10 years ago, "Reference News" and Singapore joint translation contest, accompanied by several first prize vacancies, the reason is not in the foreign language level of the participants, just in Chinese can not express ideas. The same is true of the CASIO translation prize of foreign literature and art magazine. The "literary translation Award" in Lu Xun prize for literature is also often vacant. The reason is not in foreign language, but also in chinese. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the prominence of Chinese in literary translation.
  We know that Chinese is different from English inflectional language, also different from Japanese such agglutinative language, it is a word, a word meaning, is an isolated language, and it does not attach importance to rigid grammar regulation, and pay more attention to the internal semantic generation. Such as linguistics predecessors mentioned, if the Spanish is the "rule of law", so Chinese is the "rule of man". Therefore, there are few sentence elements that must not be saved. On the other hand, in order to pursue some special language effect, they deliberately omit some components, especially omitting grammatical function words. Like Tang Wen's poem, "chicken sound Maodian, deserted bridge frost", content words directly together with the juxtaposition of logic relationship does not account for it, it is not possible in English. If you want to translate it into English, you must have a description of where and where. But Chinese some people think, "poem without gossip help words, all natural images, it can make the poem" like in the eye ", otherwise," a village of scholastic method, will not be a poem "(Li Dongyang). In this regard, many Westerners will, in the discussion of French literature and Gary's China harmful heat, had Yinke's words, that "in order to bring these ideas together, China authors use logical grammar, as long as the words can be tied up".
  Based on the characteristics of Chinese, when we translate foreign literature into Chinese, we can deeply use the above-mentioned features of Chinese and make good use of it, which is undoubtedly an important prerequisite to ensure the success of the translation, and even determine the quality and grade of the translation. The fact is that, today you see those not satisfying translation, there are many highlights in Chinese on the crux of doing too bad. For example, most of the words with the same part of speech will be connected by "and", and many translations will be translated into "harmony", which seems good, but is it necessary to use "harmony" to connect "smile" and "no language"? Chinese, "and" the meaning of the word "and" at least, "and" and "and" don't here should be translated as "only smiled but did not reply"? If there are many English prepositions, but not the "about", it must be translated as "yes", and "I don't have a message about him" is a sentence that conforms to the Chinese language The "yes" here is obviously superfluous. Again, English has the so-called relative pronoun, the noun has more than the limit, when translation as attributive treatment, will make the sentence super length, even "endless"". English single and plural must be clear, so some translation frequently appear "men", "animals" such statement, this is not concise, more important is not the habit of chinese. In addition, unlike in prose sentence, especially in English poetry translation flip, Chinese must have to use flip? There are many passive tones in English. Do they need to be taken as a whole when translated into Chinese? In a word, English articles, pronouns and prepositions are indispensable, but translated into Chinese seems to do not have to follow. On the contrary, following the habit of Chinese, it can achieve the original meaning equivalence by means of splitting, changing order and merging, and it does not violate the unique grammar of chinese.
  Of course, the above is the technical level of the school. What is more important is to establish the concept of level, maintenance of pure Chinese translator vocational life, in the process of translation to maximize compliance with Chinese expression habits, and as far as possible to highlight the "Chinese", namely Chinese unique beauty and rich Boya beauty responsibilities. In this regard, such as Fu Lei, Zhu Shenghao, senior Liang Shiqiu, Liang Zongdai, Xia Jian, Lv Tongliu, Feng Yidai, Mei Shaowu et al have made a very good demonstration, their mastery of a foreign language, and deep Ancient Chinese Literature Search foundation, the translation is not only reliable, accessible, are filled with Chinese unique elegance, Yu Guangzhong said "into the deep and pure". Further push forward, Lin Shu's translation is more Chinese style, it can be carried forward the characteristics of Chinese to the fullest. He said that he "translated David Copperfield" is better than the original Dickens, he is the most famous Vitoria times to write romance and adventure story of Hagd, Qian also believes that his country Bihashi text is much better.
  有人担心,追求传神会妨碍传真。其实对一个严肃的译者来说,这种担心是多余的,因为他比任何人都清楚并能恪守再创造的基点,同时,他比一般人了不起的地方在于,更进而能时时提醒自己,他工作的终点在哪里。看看中外翻译史上著名的例子,譬如意象派诗人庞德以自由诗体的形式翻译了不少中国诗,在西方世界引起很大的轰动,艾略特称他“我们时代中国诗的发明者”。还有,译出《松花笺》(Fir-Flower Tablets)的埃米·罗厄尔(Amy Lowell)被称为“中国诗在美国最伟大的知音”。为什么?就是因为他们的翻译中有许多创造性的改写。今天,葛浩文译中国当代小说更常如此。还有在西方,最有名的《红楼梦》译本不是杨宪益和戴乃迭的,而是牛津教授霍克斯的,后者同样有基于西方语言习惯的改写。唯此,杨绛才会称译者“一仆二主”,即他既要忠实于原作者,又要服务于读者。其实,就实际情形而言,他更仰赖的是后者。他怎么能不将母语的特性发扬到极致?于此相伴随,翻译批评对凸显汉语性的呼吁也不能脱离翻译的具体语境,走向片面化的自说自话。
  Some people worry that the pursuit of vividness will hinder faxes. In fact, for a serious translator, this fear is unnecessary, because he knows better than anyone else and insists on the point of re creation. At the same time, the great thing about him is that he can always remind himself of where his work ends. Look at the famous Chinese and foreign translation history as examples, such as poet Pound to free verse translation form a lot of China poems, caused a great sensation in the western world, Eliot called him a "China poem of our times inventor". In addition, Amy Lowell (Amy Lowell), the "Fir-Flower Tablets", is called "the greatest bosom friend of Chinese poetry in America"". Why? It's because they have a lot of creative rewriting in their translation. Today, Ge Haowen's translation of Chinese contemporary novels is more common. And in the west, the most famous version of the dream of Red Mansions is not Yang Xianyi and Dai Naidie, but Oxford professor Hawkes, and the latter also has a rewriting based on western language habits. Only in this way, can Yang Jiang call the translator "one servant, two masters", that is, he should be faithful to the original author and serve the readers. As a matter of fact, he relied more on the latter. How could he not bring the characteristics of his mother tongue to the extreme? In the context of translation criticism with prominent Chinese of appeal can not be divorced from the translation, to one-sided talking.
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