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  When most customers choose translation companies, the first question is to ask the other party's quotation, which is the general customer service quotation to customers, are based on their own company's fee standards to answer.


  If we don't know the basis for setting the fee standards for translation companies, we may have to bargain passively. So I'm here to give you a general idea of what factors are the basis for setting the fee standards for most translation companies, and whether it is reasonable to formulate them in this way.


  The Scarcity of Translation Language


  The universality and scarcity of the target language that customers need to translate will lead to great differences in charging standards. There is no doubt that English is the most common language with a large demand, and there are many professional English translators in the market. Whether the translation companies are trying to reduce the price to seize the market or consider the cost accounting, the charging standard of English is relatively reasonable and transparent.


  Other Southeast Asian languages such as French, German, Japanese and Russian rank second. Translators generally charge 200-280 yuan, depending on the degree and quantity of manuscripts. Italian, Spanish, Vietnam, Thai and other Southeast Asian languages are close to rare languages, with translation quotations starting at least 300 yuan and 1000 words.


  There are more than 170 official languages in the world, many of which you haven't heard before. They are classified as rare languages. Quotations are varied. Translators can't list all the charges for each language.


  Content Importance


  The fee standards of translation companies are often divided into general level, professional level and publishing level, which is not very scientific in the view of minor editors of foreign languages.


  Apart from some foreign language documents, customers only need to translate them roughly to understand them. Which of the others is not important, such as mail, contracts, articles of association and instructions? It's not that SCI papers published in the American Journal of Nature are the most important.


  Take English as an example, most companies now do not lack English-speaking talents. Since they choose to pay for translation companies, it must be important for customers.


  Therefore, if you really want to find a translation company, many imaginary things can not be believed, first try to translate, to see if the quality you require matches the translation fee standards.


  Finally, I want to give you a general idea of how to calculate the "thousand words" of the translation fee standard. All translation companies in China charge a unit of 1000 words/yuan, referring to 1000 words Chinese. If it is a WORD file, it has its own statistical function. Just click on the word counting function in the toolbar, and then, as shown in the figure below, count the words displayed.


  If the original text is in other languages, and we are eager to know the cost of document translation, then we need to do a word-to-word conversion. The conversion ratio between Chinese and Latin is roughly 1:1.8, which is a regular conclusion drawn by translation companies after a lot of translation practice.


  Believe that said so much, the next time you encounter the need for translation services, you can well judge whether the company's quotation is more moisture, how to make a reasonable counter-offer.


  This is what translation companies share with you about whether to find a translation company or a freelance translator when you need to translate. I hope it will be helpful to you all. If you have more knowledge about translation companies and need to know, please contact us in time.


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