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  Robot translation still has a certain gap in terms of manual translation, but some parts are beyond manual translation. So, facing the current situation and trend of machine translation, how can we fully tap and utilize the value of machine translation in our study, work and life?

  1. 使用“人机交互翻译”模式提高翻译效率和质量。通过“机器翻译——人工遴选组合——译后编辑润色”的过程,提高翻译效率和翻译质量。

  1. Use the "human-computer interaction translation" mode to improve the efficiency and quality of translation. Through the process of "Machine Translation - Artificial Selection Combination - Editorial Modification after Translation", the efficiency and quality of translation can be improved.


  But not everyone, every foreign language learner or foreign language worker can get high-quality translation results. This translation process is also restricted by the operator's comprehensive language level, including Chinese, English and German, the operator's familiarity with various translation software, and the characteristics of the original text, such as the current events we see in machine translation. The content is handled well, but there are obvious deficiencies in the expression of poetry, fiction, ancient prose and specific context.


  Therefore, we should continue to improve our comprehensive language level, improve our technical level, and pay attention to the development of machine translation and the new progress in the field of human-computer interaction translation.

  2. 借助机器翻译快速阅读外语文献和信息。对于非德语专业人士,例如众多在德国大学学习的中国学生来说,阅读外语文献和信息可能是学习外语最主要的目的之一。随着机器翻译质量的提高,快速获取信息变得可能。但因为机器翻译的质量还没达到理想可靠的水平,所以掌握一定的外语知识还是必要的,另外在阅读机器译出文献、文章的时候,要有批判的精神,发现不合理的地方要找专业人士请教。

  2. Rapid reading of foreign language documents and information by means of machine translation. For non-German professionals, such as many Chinese students studying in German universities, reading foreign language literature and information may be one of the most important purposes of learning a foreign language. With the improvement of the quality of machine translation, it is possible to obtain information quickly. However, because the quality of machine translation has not reached an ideal and reliable level, it is necessary to master certain foreign language knowledge. In addition, when reading machine-translated documents and articles, we should have a critical spirit and seek professional advice when finding unreasonable places.

  3. 开设机器翻译(机辅翻译)课程。国内已有很多高校专门设置了机器翻译(或机辅翻译)这一课程。但这些课程目前主要面对英语学习者,使用最多的可能是Trados软件。随着机器翻译质量的提高,我们也可以尝试开设机器翻译课程,充分利用现代技术手段,紧跟时代发展步伐。

  3. Set up the course of Machine Translation (Computer-Aided Translation). Many colleges and universities in China have set up the course of machine translation (or computer-aided translation). But these courses are currently mainly for English learners, and Trados software is probably the most frequently used one. With the improvement of the quality of machine translation, we can also try to set up the course of machine translation, make full use of modern technology and keep pace with the development of the times.

  4. 提高或优化外语写作质量。不少同学在写毕业论文的时候,有时候想到了很好的内容,有很好的观点或结论,但因为外语能力不够,而不得已使用其他表达方式甚至放弃了相应的内容,降低了文章内容的质量,在这种情况下,适当借助机器翻译且能对机器译出的内容进行优化调整,可以提高外语写作的质量。但要说明的是,这里所说的外语写作并非文学创作类的写作,而是以内容为核心的专业写作。

  4. Improve or optimize the quality of foreign language writing. Many students sometimes think of very good content and have good opinions or conclusions when they write their graduation thesis. However, due to the lack of foreign language ability, they have to use other ways of expression or even give up the corresponding content, which reduces the quality of the content. In this case, it is possible to improve the quality of the article by using machine translation appropriately and optimizing the content of machine translation. The quality of foreign language writing. However, it should be pointed out that the foreign language writing mentioned here is not literary writing, but professional writing with content as the core.

  5. 研究机器翻译的过程并参与其中。机器翻译目前主要是采用循环神经网络或卷积神经网络翻译,其技术基础涉及外语、翻译学、语言学(自然语言分析处理)、计算机、数学、脑神经科学等多学科知识。如有可能,可以尝试外语+复合专业的学习,提高自己在未来社会的竞争力。

  5. Study the process of machine translation and participate in it. Machine translation is currently mainly based on cyclic or convolutional neural networks. Its technical basis involves knowledge of foreign languages, translatology, linguistics (natural language analysis and processing), computer, mathematics, brain neuroscience and other disciplines. If possible, we can try to study foreign language + compound major to improve our competitiveness in the future society.


  This is what Shanghai Translation Company shares with you about how to face the current situation of robotic translation. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have more information about Shanghai Translation Company, please contact us in time.


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