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  Writing medical papers will inevitably encounter some professional terms. However, due to the limited level of English, many medical writers are suffering from translation. In fact, it is understandable that the translation of TCM terminology is difficult. After all, it is essential to master medical theory knowledge and strong translation skills. So how does the translation company translate the technical terms of medical papers?


  Compound method, affix method, abbreviation method and acronym method are commonly used in EST word formation. These methods can be used for reference in TCM terminology translation.


  1. Compound method accounts for a large proportion in the translation of TCM terms, and its meaning is mostly the superposition of the meanings of each word. The advantages of this method are that it is easy to find the corresponding words, clear in structure and easy to understand. The disadvantage is that the translation is often not concise enough.


  2. The meaning of affix legality is the addition of affix and stem meaning, which is characterized by conciseness, professionalism, comparability with Western medical terms and facilitating academic exchanges. However, in the current translation of TCM terminology, the use of such terms is not high, such as acupuncture and moxibustion.


  3. The meaning of contraction is usually the addition of the two parts of the word, which is similar to affix legality. For example, needle pressure.


  4. The acronym method is widely used in English for Science and Technology (including Medical English), but seldom used in English for Traditional Chinese Medicine. At present, only the word ” traditional Chinese medicine ” is widely accepted. Of course, some scholars have made useful attempts in this regard, such as abbreviating febrile diseases into febrile diseases. The acronym is a very convenient way of word formation, which can improve the information of the unit vocabulary. However, how to use this method to make TCM terminology more concise and standardized remains to be studied in depth.


  The above is what the translation company shares with you about how the translation company translates the professional terminology of medical papers. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have more knowledge about Beijing company registration, please contact us in time.


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