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  Visiting a doctor abroad is not just a matter of patient's position. Many patients who have found out the disease in China but have not received good treatment, or those who need invitation letter to see a doctor abroad translate their previous medical records into English. Then the translation company tells you the difficulties and mistakes in the translation of medical records.

  1. 医学用词翻译,难在缩写和惯用法。

  1. It is difficult to translate medical terms in abbreviations and idioms.

  医学专有名词浩如烟海,有一些单词甚至长达十几个字母,或者仅仅差一两个字母就是两种完全不同的含义。最让翻译为难的是,医生经常为了记录方便,使用了不规范的写法,如在病历中写到BP160/89mmHg。有医学背景的人一看便能明白BP为blood pressure(血压)的缩写,但是一般人因不具备一定医学背景,很难辨认。再如,眼科检查中医生写道:PE:R=0.4, L=0.7。这其中的PE为physical examination(查体),R与L分别代表了右眼与左眼的视力。这其中的R与L或许会有人想到是左右眼,但是很专业的内容就另当别论了。我们举个稍微有点儿难度的例子,心内科病历报告中写道患者查体RCA见100%闭塞。这其中的RCA是right coronary artery的简写,意思为右冠状动脉。

  Medical terms are so numerous that some words can even reach more than a dozen letters, or just one or two letters short of them are two completely different meanings. The most difficult thing to translate is that doctors often use non-standard writing methods, such as BP160/89mmHg in medical records, for the convenience of recording. People with medical background can understand that BP is the abbreviation of blood pressure at a glance, but it is difficult for ordinary people to recognize BP because they do not have a certain medical background. For example, the doctor of Ophthalmology wrote: PE: R = 0.4, L = 0.7. PE is physical examination. R and L represent the visual acuity of the right eye and the left eye respectively. R and L may be thought of as left and right eyes, but very professional content is another matter. Let's take a slightly more difficult example. The cardiology medical record report says that 100% of the patients had RCA occlusion. RCA is short for right coronary artery, which means right coronary artery.


  Even in the same country, doctors in different regions have different usages of medical terms. In the central, Eastern and western parts of the United States, there are differences in English habits. Hospitals in the United States also have different expressions for pathology departments, such as Anderson Cancer Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital. Therefore, for medical translation, the challenge is great: not only to strive for accuracy and standardization, but also to better conform to the expression habits of foreign hospital doctors.


  Therefore, the Beijing Translation Company believes that translators must have a certain medical background, otherwise random translation will inevitably bring troubles to patients and their families, which is fundamentally irresponsible for the health of patients. If we want to keep improving, we should learn the expressions and abbreviations of foreign doctors'habits, make the translation of medical records more standardized and professional, more in line with the reading habits of foreign doctors, and also improve the translation efficiency.

  2. 医生字迹潦草,要求译者具有辨字能力。

  2. The doctor's handwriting is sloppy, requiring the translator to have the ability of distinguishing characters.


  It is undeniable that many doctors'handwriting is really difficult to recognize. They use abbreviated words or industry terminology instead of writing their medical records one by one. For example, vitamins are abbreviated as VE. If you write them in scrawl, many people will think that doctors write Chinese characters, but in fact they are English letters. But doctors can still read the medical records written by other professionals. Why can a doctor read a medical record written by another doctor and not others? The reason is this: for a doctor who is familiar with a certain field, the usual medication and treatment plan are universal, and the medication and treatment methods of others are almost the same. The reason why they can understand is entirely based on their own experience, not by special handwriting training.


  From this point, it can be seen that in the process of translating handwritten medical records, the translator's professional quality is of great importance to the accuracy of the translation. If there is no medical professional background, the effect of translation is often not good only by recognizing handwriting by oneself.

  3. 错误的翻译让国外医生;雾里看花;

  3. Wrong translations allow foreign doctors to see flowers in the fog;

  曾经有国外医生拿着一份中国患者的英文病历报告奇怪地问某位专业医学译者说:“这是什么癌?是不是中国新发现了我还不知道的癌症?”原来,这份病历上写着“spray door cancer”,字面意思是“喷门癌”。译者看了中文病历原文后,觉得啼笑皆非:原来中文病历上的病种是贲门癌,应翻译为“carcinoma of gastric cardia”,难怪国外医生看不懂了。

  A foreign doctor once took an English medical record report of a Chinese patient and asked a professional medical translator strangely, & ldquo; what kind of cancer is it? Is it a new cancer discovered in China that I don't know yet? & rdquo; originally, the medical record says: & ldquo; spray door cancer & rdquo; literally means & ldquo; spray door cancer & rdquo;. After reading the original Chinese medical record, the translator feels ironic: the original disease on the Chinese medical record is cardiac cancer, which should be translated as & ldquo; cancer of gastric cardia & rdquo; no wonder foreign doctors can't understand it.


  There are many jokes like this. The patients who come to see a doctor with such medical records are usually translated by a professional medical translation company. Some even pull a student who has passed CET-8. The translator has no professional medical background. Therefore, the translation of medical records is very informal and unprofessional. Foreign doctors can not understand it at all, and the consequence is only delaying the disease. Treatment or result in incorrect diagnosis and treatment.


  These are the difficulties and mistakes in medical record translation shared by the translation company. I hope they will be helpful to you. If you have more knowledge about translation companies, please contact us in time.


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