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  When looking for a translation company, we must find a professional translation company. Only by controlling the quality of translation, can translation be responsible to customers. Do you know how the translation company controls the quality of translation? Next, the translation company will give you a brief introduction.


  The process of quality control of translation is the most important part and the most important part in the process of translation. It is mainly implemented by the reviewers, including self-examination and self-translation, first and second reviews, three steps. Many small companies do not have this process basically.


  In the preliminary examination, the most important thing is the attitude of the reviewers towards the manuscripts. They should do their best and be conscientious. As a reviewer, unless the content is relatively small, you can go through it carefully in person from beginning to end. However, for long and medium-length translations, it is impossible to re-translate all the original materials, or even to proofread all the translated materials carefully.


  The method of preliminary examination is not to examine the preceding paragraph from the beginning, but to select the paragraph proofreading from the middle or the end first, because some translations are tigerhead and snake-tail, proofreading the key words and sentences, paying particular attention to proofreading professional nouns and puns. If there is no obvious mistranslation in two or three paragraphs, it may be judged that they are basically qualified and enter the second proofreading process. If not, call back to the interpreter to make corrections. Next time, we will enter the preliminary examination stage again, so that the preliminary examination will be over.


  The method of secondary proofreading is not so flexible. It must be carefully examined from beginning to end. Any problems in translation, including punctuation marks, should be corrected sentence by sentence.


  Through the second revision, two people can review the manuscript from different angles, so that the manuscript is absolutely perfect. Whether it is the first or the second revision, we should have a sufficient understanding of the original text, which is the most basic and important. The main way is to consult and sort out relevant information. The quality standards of translators are extremely strict, including the self-examination and self-translation of translators. In fact, there are three revisions. Each manuscript has gone through three steps: self-examination and self-translation of translators, first review and second revision. So naturally, customers will feel at ease to place orders and accept them.


  The above is the quality control of translation introduced by the translation company. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to know anything else, you can consult us. We will have professional people to answer for you.


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