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  News translation requires translators to translate the core content accurately with short words. News must be accurate and should not use too exaggerated modifiers. What should we pay attention to when translating? Beijing Translation Company summarizes the following points for you:


  1. News translation should accurately understand the specific meanings of some commonly used words in news English. As mentioned above, news English has its own set of idiomatic words, so translators should first understand the specific meanings of these words in news English accurately. Otherwise, it is very easy to misinterpret.


  2. In news translation, attention should be paid to adapting the style of the translated text to the original one. Generally speaking, news English is moderately formal and sometimes has some conversational style. Therefore, the translated language should not be too elegant or too vulgar. However, because some writers often quote the words of the parties or other relevant persons in their reports, and because some writers sometimes use several slang words, the formality of the translated language should be as consistent as possible with the original text. In addition, attention should also be paid to the distinction between the language features of big newspaper news and the stylistic features of small newspaper news. Generally speaking, the style of big newspapers such as The Times and the New York Times is more serious and formal, while the language of small newspapers such as the Daily Mirror and the New York Post is more relaxed and lively, and the formality of words is lower. Therefore, the translator must carefully analyze the stylistic characteristics of the original text so as to maintain the stylistic consistency between the translated text and the original text.


  3. News translation should deal with new words and coinages in news. In the case of new words and coinages, first of all, we can distinguish them in morphology according to the English word-formation method, such as finding out the root or affix of the word, in order to help understand its meaning. In addition, we should find clues from the co-relation and context of the word, that is, the collocation and combination of the word with other words and its various contexts to judge the possible meaning of the word. If it is still unsatisfactory after the above textual research, the transliteration of the word can be given, and then the original English words can be written in parentheses, and footnotes can be added if necessary. The term "neologism" here refers to words that cannot be found in dictionaries, words that have been freely translated according to what you already know but which have been found to be illogical in meaning.


  4. The translation of news should be concise. Language should be plain, not flashy and exaggerated, do not mix personal feelings, and be cautious when adding modifiers before nouns.

  5、新闻翻译时不要为某些动词的时态所惑,注意原文的一些特殊语法现象。如 Largest Chinese trade delegation to visit US in Nov. 中省去了to前的is,Deposits, loans rising in HK意为Deposits and loans are rising in HK., 而 2 Workmen Injured in Electrical Accident则意为2 Workmen Are Injured…

  5. Don't be confused by the tenses of some verbs in news translation. Pay attention to some special grammatical phenomena in the original text. For example, Largest Chinese trade delegation to visit US in Nov. omitted before to is, Deposits, loans rising in HK means Deposits and loans are rising in HK. For 2 Workmen Injured in Electrical Accident, it means 2 Workmen Are Injured.

  6、新闻标题翻译要尽量与原文一样简短,要注重译文能象原文一样传神达意。例如: Four Killed and Five Hurt in a House Fire 可译为"房屋起火五伤四亡";Soccer kicks off with Violence可译为"足球开赛脚踢拳打"。

  6. The translation of news headlines should be as brief as the original text, and the translation should be as vivid as the original. For example, Four Killed and Five Hurt in a House Fire can be translated as "five casualties and four casualties in a house fire"; Soccer kicks off with Violence can be translated as "football kicks and punches in the opening game".


  The above is what the translation company shares with you today about the matters needing attention in news translation. I hope it will be helpful to you all. If you have more knowledge about translation companies and need to know, please contact us in time.


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