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  The specific price of translation is directly related to the target of service. Different translation companies also have different prices. Here, the customer service staff of Shanghai Translation Company will tell you what factors affect the price of translation.


  Price and time of translation


  Translated quotations are within the allowable range of normal time. If you meet customers who are in a hurry, the price of translation will naturally rise. Before translation, the translation company will arrange for the person in charge to record the customer's needs carefully and inform the supervisor. The supervisor is responsible for arranging the tasks and can take over the next translation job within a reasonable time. However, in the case of overtime work, the supervisor will communicate with the staff first, giving priority to the employees who need to work overtime, and then the extra overtime pay will be paid together on the day of payment.


  2. The price of translation is related to the importance of documents.


  The price of translation is sometimes related to the translated documents. When it comes to documents with more privacy, the relevant guarantor of the translation company also needs to sign a confidential agreement with the client for translation, and when necessary, the guaranty price should be added to the agreement. Is this also a relatively secret third-party service price? In the process of specific translation, if the confidentiality of documents is not given reasonable attention, the consequences will be unpredictable for both the translation company and the individual translator.


  3. The price of translation is related to the type of language


  In the translation market, the price of translation can also be divided into English-Chinese translation and Chinese-English translation. In the process of English translation, the difficulty of translation is relatively low, and the price is relatively affordable. The difficulty of Chinese-English translation lies in the differences in grammar and the semantics of key phrases in the process of translation. In the process of translation, it will bring different forms of translation with different difficulties. Chinese has different meanings of special phrases combined with its polysemous words, and the content of translation is also different, which is also the final expression of the different prices of the two types of translation.


  IV. Price of translation is related to market demand


  In today's market, the price of translation often depends on the price of the best translation company. Although the price of translation companies is much higher than that of individual translators in the market, the quality of translation can be guaranteed. The price of translation is also the most reasonable according to the demand in the market. In the past, when there was a shortage of translators, the price of translation was relatively high, whether written or spoken. However, after more and more people have invested in the translation industry, especially the continuous participation of individual translators, the price of translation becomes more popular. Nowadays, the price of translation is difficult to be unified, which is also the result of the influx of translators.


  The above is what the Shanghai Translation Company shares with you today about which factors determine the translation price of the Shanghai Translation Company. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you need to know more about Shanghai Translation Company, please contact us in time.



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