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  For the translation industry, there are different translation criteria for different subjects. Paper translation is a more rigorous type of translation. Thesis translation requires a high level of vocabulary and translation skills. Next, the customer service staff of Shanghai Translation Company will tell you what should be paid attention to when translating papers.


  1. Paper translation should pay attention to "from one to the end"


  All papers published on authoritative platforms must be translated into English. There are great differences in grammar and language habits between Chinese and English. Among them, ellipsis sentences are commonly used in Chinese, with concise language and flexible sentence grammar; long sentences are used in English, and grammatical integrity is emphasized. In the process of translation, we must grasp the spiritual essence and not remain unchanged. As for how to cope with the situation, this is the place to show the translator's ability.


  2. Paper translation should pay attention to literal translation and mechanical literal translation.


  In thesis translation, it is impossible for Chinese and English to achieve complete correspondence between vocabulary in the long process of independent development, and the asymmetry between vocabulary is inevitable in the process of translation. Therefore, in the process of translation, proper free translation should be carried out according to the context so as not to look at the meaning of the text and produce ironic translation.


  3. Paper translation should pay attention to "inconsistency between soil and water" and improper collocation of habits.


  There are great differences in grammatical collocation between Chinese and English, so we can not always translate according to one language collocation in the process of translation. This is indeed a big difficulty factor. It requires the translator to have a high Chinese accomplishment and a high English attainment in the translation of papers. People who know nothing about it often come here.“ Rollover.


  4. Paper translation should pay attention to "foolish loyalty" and not know how to increase or decrease.


  In the process of paper translation, we must increase or decrease the paper appropriately according to the characteristics between the two languages, for example, Chinese is often omitted, so we need to add and explain it properly in the process of translating it into English. When English is translated into Chinese, if we translate it faithfully, it will make the article too jumbled. It needs to be deleted appropriately.


  5. Pay attention to sentence repetition in thesis translation


  This is also due to the grammatical characteristics of the two languages in the translation of papers. Chinese repeats more to strengthen the mood, while English avoids repetition as much as possible.


  6. Paper translation should pay attention to the dim subject


  The subject of thesis translation is the soul of the sentence, and the key step is to fix the subject of the translation. If the subject is biased, the whole sentence will appear loose and weak, and even mislead the reader.

  7、论文翻译需注意结构单调,组合生硬 “拉郎配”

  7. Paper translation should pay attention to monotonous structure and rigid combination.


  Due to the different structures and expressions between Chinese and English, "hard translation" can not only read awkwardly, but also make jokes. This requires translators to use flexible integration techniques in translation, to integrate sentences, to highlight the hidden levels in Chinese and to supplement the missing elements. Sometimes simple sentences are translated into juxtaposition sentences, and sometimes juxtaposition sentences are translated into subject-subordinate sentences.


  The above content is sorted out for you by the customer service staff of Shanghai Translation Company. I hope that the explanations in this paper will be helpful to you all. To learn more about the relevant knowledge, you can pay attention to our website.


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