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  Interpretation simply means simultaneous interpretation. After the speaker has finished a sentence or a paragraph, the interpreter immediately interprets it to the audience on the spot. What skills does interpretation have on the spot? The following is the customer service staff of the translation company to share some interpretation skills.


  1. Unable to translate: According to the analysis of the translation company, there are two reasons for this situation. One is that they do not understand, and then they can refer to the first one to deal with it. The other is that they understand and can not find the right expression in time. If this is the case, we suggest that you can first use literal translation, and then combined with their own understanding to translate. Although there may be astringent translations, at least the audience will not be misunderstood.


  2. Audio-omission: due to the influence of the interpreting environment, pronunciation, spokesperson's speed, or the interpreter's own inadequacy in preparation, it is likely that there will be on-site hearing, not listening or not understanding. In fact, the translation company suggests that you can continue to listen, calm and calm, or through the way of vague processing, as long as there is no impact on the overall situation. But if the content is more critical and the environment is relatively relaxed, you can ask the speaker.


  3. Facing translation errors: even a thousand miles horse, it will still lose its front foot. Therefore, even the best interpreters, there will be mistakes in the interpretation scene. If we recognize translation errors, we can adopt retranslation. We must not panic and say directly that I have made a mistake or that I have made a mistake. This will not only affect the comprehension of all the audiences, but also reduce the credibility of the audiences to the interpreters.


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  • 上海翻译公司
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  •  传真:021-60911336 50177361
  •  邮箱:huizhifanyi@126.com
  •  人才招聘:huizhi_hr@126.com
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