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  In our daily life, advertisements are everywhere. Product advertisement translation is a common form of film and television translation. Good advertising can add color to the product and produce excellent publicity effect. Advertising translation is undoubtedly a very important part. Advertising translation is not only a kind of economic activity, but also a major medium of cultural communication. What's the point of advertisement translation? Now let's talk about it to you from the customer service staff of Beijing translation company.


  1. Voice differences.


  In the advertising language, onomatopoeia, voice symbols and echo words are often used to arouse the audience's auditory beauty; however, there are different characteristics in Chinese and Western phonetics, onomatopoeia or rhyme, which brings a lot of troubles to the translators. For example, in English advertising words, alliteration, meta rhyme, rhyme, false rhyme and other rhymes are often used to increase the charm of advertising words.


  For example, the advertising word "neverlateonfather's day." and the two meta rhymes [EI] can create a harmonious musical beauty. It is difficult to preserve this kind of music beauty in Chinese translation.


  2. Semantic differences.

  这大概存在四种情况:一是译名不符英美文化。例如,上海产“白翎”钢笔,其英译为“White Feather”,在英语国家无人问津;其原因在于英语中有句成语“to show the white feather”意思是临阵逃脱,白色羽毛象征的是胆小鬼。

  There are four situations: first, the translated names do not conform to the British and American culture. For example, the "white feather" pen produced in Shanghai is translated into "white feather" in English, which is ignored in English speaking countries. The reason is that there is an English idiom "to show the white feather" which means to escape on the spot. The white feather symbolizes the coward.


  3. There are political metaphors in translation.

  如,“大鹏”帆布鞋,被译成“ROC”。大鹏为中国神话中的神鸟,roc 也为英语神化中的巨鸟;此翻译本无可厚非,但碰巧的是这与“中华民国”的英语缩写一样,当然有所不妥。

  For example, "Dapeng" canvas shoes were translated into "roc". Dapeng is a god bird in Chinese mythology, ROC is also a giant bird in English deification. This translation is no mistake, but it happens to be the same as the English abbreviation of "the Republic of China", which is not appropriate.


  4. The translation is not elegant.


  For example, the word cock is often used to refer to a human organ in British and American countries. If any advertisement words contain the word "chicken", such as "golden rooster" and "rooster" are directly translated into "cock", it will damage the image of commodities and give people the impression of vulgar and lack of education.


  5. The translator is both Chinese pinyin and English vocabulary.

  汉语拼音是用拉丁字母组成,英语单词也是用的拉丁字母;所以有些广告词语的汉语拼音有可能碰巧为英语中的某个单词。例如 Puke(扑克的汉语拼音)正好是英语中“呕吐”的意思(贺川生:1997)。

  Chinese pinyin is made up of Latin letters, and English words are also made of Latin letters; therefore, Chinese Pinyin of some advertising words may happen to be a word in English. For example, puke (Chinese Pinyin of poker) is exactly the meaning of "vomit" in English (he Chuansheng: 1997).


  6. Differences in the form of words.


  Different countries, nationalities and regions use different characters, and have different preferences and dislikes for some characters. According to the survey, the Japanese favorite words are "sincerity", "dream", "love", "sorrow", "beauty", etc. Chinese people like Chinese characters such as "Fu", "Shou", "Xi", "Le", etc. According to Irving Wallace, the American writer, the most beautiful English words are: chime, golden gold, lullaby, melody, murmuring, etc. But these words not only mean beautiful, but also have beautiful appearance, which causes people's good psychological reaction and visual effect. In particular, Chinese characters are the only pictographic characters with the most complete system and the most rigorous structure in the world today. As long as "Wang Wen" is used, it can be "meaningful". It gives people not only visual impact, but also can start inspiration, resulting in a huge spiritual shock. The commonly used "unwrapping technique" in advertisements also makes translation difficult.


  7. Rhetoric differences.


  Advertising language is often used as a rhetorical device, in order to make the content of the expression vivid, specific or make the main words distinct and prominent, strengthen the language effect, attract the public's attention and help the public remember. However, due to the differences between Chinese and western rhetorical traditions, some difficulties will be brought to translation, which are mainly manifested in metaphor, symbol, antithesis, pun and so on. The most difficult one is pun translation. Puns can be divided into homophonic puns and polysemous puns, such as "Yellow River refrigerator; leading the way" and "ask for more. --- more (cigarette)". It's really difficult to translate these puns with the best of both worlds.



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