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  With the rapid development of the tourism industry, tourism translation also appears in front of us. Do you know the main points of tourism translation? Here is an introduction by the customer service staff of Shanghai translation company.


  In tourism, translation should be a pre-existing area. As for tourism translation, regular translation companies believe that all aspects of tourism related letters, advertisements, scenic spots introduction, names of Chinese dishes, tourism advertisements, tourism billboards, folk custom albums, etc. belong to tourism translation.


  On the big side, we can say that the purpose of tourism materials is to publicize, recommend Chinese tourism resources, carry forward long history and culture, open up tourism market, attract foreign tourists, and stimulate their interest in visiting scenic spots. Social pragmatic equivalent translation is an equivalent translation that serves bilingual communication across languages and cultures.


  This kind of translation requires the translator, on the premise of accurately understanding the content of the original work, according to the context provided by the original text, through the comparison of two languages and two cultures, to choose the appropriate translation form for the foreign tourists who come to China for tourism. In addition to the features of vivid image, lively enthusiasm, attractive and infectious in language expression, tourism material translation should also take into account the characteristics of different regions, different histories, different cultural backgrounds and different ways of thinking between the East and the west, pay attention to the equivalence of information content between the original text and the translation, so as to make the translation The ultimate goal of translation is to express fully, vividly and properly.


  A large number of commendatory words and gorgeous words piled up in tourism materials can give full play to the imagination of Chinese people, let potential tourists realize the beauty of image, implication and obscurity with great imagination space from the beauty of language, and stimulate their curiosity and interest. The Westerners pay attention to rational thinking, formal logic and practicality. The language they usually use is very simple and easy to understand, in order to provide tourists with as much useful information as possible. Ignoring the differences between the two, blindly translating and hard translating will surely bring huge losses to the tourism industry.


  For foreigners, they come to China not only to appreciate the exotic scenery, but also to understand China's history, culture, national habits, social customs and so on through tourism. Therefore, for the translators of tourism materials, they must have a deep understanding of the names of people, place names, allusions, historical events, customs and so on. It is a good way to add necessary explanations to the translation when necessary.


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