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  Customers with translation needs are not very familiar with the business process of translation companies, which leads to some cooperation problems. So, how does a professional translation company work? What is the general translation process of a translation company? Let's introduce the translation process to you by the customer service personnel of Shanghai translation company.


  1. Receive draft for project analysis


  After receiving the manuscript, the regular translation company now reviews the content of the manuscript, counts the number of words and other relevant content, and gives an evaluation within one hour, without the customer making a systematic quotation. If it is a large-scale translation project, there will be a professional project manager responsible for the implementation and coordination of the project, which is the basis of the translation process, and also the key to determine whether the whole cooperation can go on.


  2. Signing cooperation agreement


  Interpretation translation company signs translation service contract and confidentiality agreement with customers.


  3. Select professional translators


  The choice of professional members is not only the respect for customers, but also the guarantee of the translation company for customers. The translation company will find members who are good at this field to translate according to the field involved in the manuscript. The translation company has senior and experienced members in various fields, so as to ensure the translation quality of the manuscript.


  4. Translation, proofreading and review process

  由母语为目标语言、居住在目标市场国家并且具有相关经验的翻译人员进行翻译。在此过程中,项目成员定期提交问题报告并进行例会讨论,以解决问题并共享信息。校对人员对照原文全文检查翻译内容,对准确性、语法、拼写和翻译风格等方面的错误进行修改并做记录,以便对翻译人员进行评估和最后总结。审核人员 不看原文,模拟最终用户进行全文检查。

  It is translated by translators with native language as the target language, living in the target market country and relevant experience. During this process, project members submit problem reports and hold regular meetings to solve problems and share information. Proofreaders check the translation against the full text of the original text, correct and record the errors in accuracy, grammar, spelling and translation style, so as to evaluate and summarize the translators. The reviewer does not look at the original text and simulates the end user to conduct full-text inspection.


  5. Editing and secondary proofreading


  After translation, the first reviewer will conduct professional proofreading and draft consolidation of the first draft translation, and feed back the modification opinions to the translator for verification. The second reviewer will conduct secondary proofreading and polishing, and edit them. This process will completely eliminate spelling, typing and grammar errors, while ensuring that the words are appropriate and consistent.


  6. Typesetting and desktop publishing


  We are comfortable with the latest applications we see. Whether it's a color brochure or a page to page format, we can make a typesetting and do all the pre press processing according to the user's requirements.


  7. Quality analysis and audit

  翻译与排版之后,我们有独立的质量控制流程,随机从翻译和审核的文件中抽取 10% 的内容进行检查。根据项目要求和我们内部的质量标准检查翻译质量。我们要保证新翻译的文件/网址与原件相配。我们还可以与我们国外同行合作,对译稿进行审校。

  After translation and typesetting, we have an independent quality control process, which randomly selects 10% of the translated and reviewed documents for inspection. Check the translation quality according to the project requirements and our internal quality standards. We want to make sure that the newly translated document / website matches the original. We can also cooperate with our foreign counterparts to review the translation.


  8. Deliver to customer


  After the first translation, the second proofreading and the third review, the translation draft shall be submitted to the client after being accepted by the manager of translation department.


  9. Quality tracking and after-sales service


  We will track the quality of the translated articles and provide free after-sales service.


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  • 上海翻译公司
  •  电话:021-51691607 50716167
  •  传真:021-60911336 50177361
  •  邮箱:huizhifanyi@126.com
  •  人才招聘:huizhi_hr@126.com
地址:上海市浦东新区张杨路228号汤臣中心A座1405室 电话:021-51691607 传真:021-60911336 网站优化支持:云优化
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