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  Subtitle translation is often needed in daily life. The scope of subtitle translation is relatively wide. The most common is English subtitle translation. So let's introduce it to you.


  We often see film and television companies, or they want to make a script, or use it for other commercial or academic subtitle translation, the most basic condition is to accurately express the core idea in the language, every word and sentence translation, not only the translator is struggling, but also the viewer or reader will have a situation of poor understanding and brain drain, many logically speaking complex sentences Zi, translators who have no generalization ability will appear too rigid, have no certain logical ability, and easily contradict each other. However, subtitle translation is limited by the number of words, and the translation cannot be too wordy.


  Therefore, subtitle translation requires translators to have a good language foundation, strong thinking ability, vivid expression, concise translation, etc. So this is not a simple language translator can simply complete. Translators of subtitle translation should not only consider the meaning of the script itself, but also grasp the meaning of the audience, that is, consider the feelings of the audience. It is successful to translate sentences that are clear at a glance and can make the audience comfortable with the combination of scene and mood.


  For a professional translation company, to do a good job in translation is not to copy mechanically, sentences are true, the content of the translation according to different needs and the object of service are often affected, so these conditions need to be taken into account. So is subtitle translation. If you are translating English subtitles, don't put them in the original text. In many different environments, subtitle translation needs to consider the context to change. We often see that some English words are only expressed as a form by the performers. In fact, when translating, they can't be translated word by word, sentence by sentence, which makes the viewers feel particularly unnatural 。


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