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  With the development of internationalization in recent years, the communication between Chinese enterprises and foreign enterprises is also increasing gradually, which makes the language communication a big problem, which leads to the growing popularity of the translation industry. Although there are many translators now, there are only a few good translators. Do you know how to be a good translator Let's talk about it to you.


  1. Translation motivation.


  Looking back on the history of Chinese translation, especially the history of translation in the past century, we can see that in different historical periods, translation is always closely combined with social changes or ideological and cultural movements, and some representative translators, with their clear translation motivation, carry out translation activities, It plays a positive role in promoting social change or ideological and cultural movement.


  2. Determine the direction and lay a solid foundation.


  Many people think that only those who study foreign languages can do translation, and the so-called translation is to translate some literary works. In the current context of global economic integration, it is clear that this idea is wrong. At present, in terms of the contributions undertaken by the translation company, the main materials are practical electronic, automotive, mechanical, petroleum, chemical, financial, legal and other materials. Translation talents in these industries need not only good foreign language skills, but also industry-related background knowledge. If they are only foreign language majors, they cannot be competent for these jobs. Therefore, we suggest that those who want to be engaged in translation work should concentrate on learning a certain field according to their own interests and hobbies before they set foot in translation. Only by studying in a certain field for a long time can we improve our translation quality and efficiency at the same time.


  3. Study patiently and strive to be professional.


  When we read some articles, we can skip the places we don't understand or the words we don't know, because it doesn't affect our understanding of the general meaning of the articles. But if we are engaged in translation work, we should study anything we don't understand or confirm. The so-called research does not mean simply looking up a dictionary, or searching on the Internet, but should know its exact usage and true meaning, sometimes even need to consult experts in the industry for guidance. I often hear from some friends that translation will encounter a bottleneck at a certain stage. But we think that we can solve this bottleneck through continuous learning and research. Through continuous research, let my translation ability get further sublimation.


  4. Keep improving and pay attention to details.


  The quality of translation work is ultimately reflected in the words, sentences and even punctuation. In particular, attention needs to be paid to the details.


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