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  Interpretation is a kind of translation activity in translation. It refers to the way in which the interpreter changes the target language into the target language by means of spoken language, which is called spoken translation. Interpretation and translation have high requirements for translators, so we need to practice more in our daily life. Do you know the key points of interpretation and translation? Let's talk about it by the customer service staff of Shanghai translation company.


  1. Notes are the key to interpretation and Translation


  Note translation is really important, but how to practice it? If we are not used to it at the beginning, we can try to read while taking notes while listening. When we have more practice, we can also listen while taking notes. If we want to practice taking notes quickly, we can listen to the news of foreign languages. The speed of speech is absolutely fast. Besides, we can There is no connection between every piece of news. The first time may not be able to turn it out, but the effect of notes is different. Professional interpreters must learn how to take notes, which is very important


  2. It's very important to practice listening


  In fact, the most important thing in professional interpretation translation is to translate the basic meaning they want to express, so there is no need to translate one word at all, so if there are words that cannot be understood, there is no need to be afraid. Some unimportant words will not affect the basic meaning of the sentence, so you don't have to worry too much about the fact that you can't turn over a word, as long as you understand the basic meaning of the sentence, you can understand the basic meaning of the sentence After what you have learned and mastered, you can express it perfectly, because you should not forget that the interpretation site is not your own home, you have time limit.


  3. Speed in interpreting translation


  Some people are always worried that they are not speaking fast enough, and try to practice speaking speed in various ways. In fact, the speed of simultaneous interpreting is generally different from that of speaking at ordinary times. I've seen many simultaneous interpreting, and I usually speak slowly when I speak to you. But when I arrived at the simultaneous interpreting scene, it changed a person, and spoke very quickly. So, you don't need to spend too much time practicing this. You will have a faster simultaneous interpreting.


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