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  Accompanying interpretation has a wide range of applications in many occasions. Before work, you should make sufficient preparations and constantly improve yourself. Do you know what the precautions of accompanying interpretation are? Let's go with Shanghai translation company!


  1. Whether it is a novice or an experienced interpreter, before the escort project, please be prepared carefully, be familiar with the content to be translated, and think about the relevant fields that may be involved. It can be said that inadequate preparation and poor translation are the enemy of interpreters.


  2. The interpreter should arrive 15-20 minutes earlier than the client and should not be late in any case. In case of traffic jam or delay in special circumstances, please call to explain. In case of being late and unable to contact the interpreter, the more critical client can ask for a replacement on the spot.


  3. Unlike the simultaneous interpretation in Xiangzi, most of the accompanying translation projects need to be seen, so it is necessary to pay attention to the dress, not to match casually and sloppy. As an accompanying translator, you may need to follow the foreign guests, and the dress code is formal.


  4. The accompanying translator should learn to observe the words and the colors. In many cases, the accompanying translator should not only deal with formal negotiation occasions. Since the client hires you and pays for a day's expenses, he certainly hopes that you can give help in all aspects of life. For example: when the customer can't understand the recipe, can't find the restroom, and wants anything, the translator should take the initiative to ask if he needs help.


  5. Chinese people generally think that "raising money hurts feelings", while foreigners advocate business. If the customer insists on paying, it must be agreed whether to pay in one time or on a daily basis. If you don't dare to say it, you are the one who suffers.


  6. In general, the translation company will type the fee into the account within one month after the end of the task, so unless it is stated in advance that the customer pays on the spot, there is rarely a case where the fee arrives within one week. Never leave the introducer alone to contact the customer directly. Even if the introducer allows you to do so, you should also report the situation and progress of the project from time to time, otherwise it will leave a bad impression of being "ungrateful" or "ungrateful". In addition, if the interpretation project is introduced by others, you must inform the introducer after receiving the money. The introducer does not ask you to be grateful to him, but at least you should respect the right of others to know, and especially because of any problems in the middle, the introducer is often needed to help you solve them.


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