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  News from translation company:There are many forms of translation, such as interpretation, translation, machine translation, etc. in terms of its material form, it shows the choice and combination of various symbol systems, which can be divided into four categories


  (1) The sound language symbol, namely the oral language of natural language, is expressed in the form of telephone communication, internal and external negotiation and reception of foreign guests;


  (2) Silent language symbols, including text symbols and image symbols, are expressed in printed materials such as negotiation decisions, social letters, telegrams, communications and various literary works;


  (3) Voiced nonverbal symbols are so-called "quasi language" symbols with sound but no syllables in the process of communication. Their common ways are: special stress, tone change, laughter and applause when speaking. Such symbols have no specific syllables to be separated, and their semantics are not fixed. Their information can be transmitted in a certain language environment. For example, laughter may be loaded with positive information It may also be loaded with negative information. For example, applause can spread information such as welcome, approval and happiness, or it can also convey a kind of polite negation.It may also be loaded with negative information. For example, applause can spread welcome, approval, happiness and other information, and it can also convey a kind of polite negation.


  (4) Silent nonverbal symbols, namely various human body language symbols, are shown as silent accompanying language symbols such as human actions, expressions and costumes. Such symbols have distinct national cultural characteristics. For example, some human actions have different semantic information in different national cultures. Moreover, it can also strengthen the communication effect of spoken language, such as in conversation, if With appropriate body language, the expression effect of oral language will be significantly enhanced.


  To do a good job in translation, one is to have good political quality, the other is to have good professional quality. The political quality includes the translator's correct understanding and implementation of the party's and national policies, serious working attitude and meticulous work style; good professional quality refers to solid language skills, excellent writing skills, rich cultural knowledge, excellent translation theoretical knowledge and proficiency in applying translation skills.


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