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  Although the status of Chinese in the world is constantly improving and the scope of its use is becoming wider and wider, it is far from meeting the needs of two-way communication, especially business problems. Today, Shanghai translation company will tell you about the differences between business translation and other types of translation?


  First of all, business translation covers a wide range of fields, including science and technology, economy, politics and culture. In addition to language proficiency, business translators should also master the basic knowledge of international economy and trade, such as economic theory, international trade, international finance, international commercial law, enterprise management, etc. As economy and trade are closely related to current affairs and politics, translators are required to know the political and economic situation at home and abroad. Foreign trade and economic cooperation have specific cultural characteristics. Therefore, translators must have a comprehensive understanding of the cultural customs and historical background of the relevant countries. Moreover, foreign trade and economic work involves all kinds of goods and services, so relevant professional knowledge is also essential.


  Second, business translation is very time-consuming, which is determined by the changing economic situation at home and abroad. It is impossible for us to spend weeks or even years to elaborate like other types of translation, because a piece of economic information worth a thousand dollars may become worthless in a few days or even hours. This feature of business translation requires translators to be quick and quick in their eyes. Like basketball players, the ball should not stay too long after it reaches the hand. Instead, it should be delivered as soon as possible and try to score as soon as possible.


  Thirdly, business translation requires translators to be good at "innovating". Due to the rapid change of market conditions, new products, new technologies and new problems emerge in endlessly, resulting in new concepts and new terms. This requires the translator to push out the new translation name and introduce the new concept in a timely and appropriate way. Even if the translation has been improved or replaced by a better one after the temporary introduction of the translation, it is also a great contribution.


  Fourthly, business translation is complicated in content, in various forms and in different styles. From the perspective of language features and translation strategies, it can be roughly divided into the following categories: legal documents, whose language features are standardized and accurate words, abound with professional terms; nouns are frequently used, passive voice and various phrases and clauses are more frequently used, and the structure is often more complex and the sentence is longer. Although some of the forms of expression or language structure are relatively fixed, rigid, even repetitive and wordy, due to their specific format and meaning, they should not be arbitrarily adjusted or deleted for the sake of one-sided pursuit of conciseness and fluency. The language features of theoretical monographs are similar to those of legal documents, but the wording and sentence structure are relatively flexible. At the same time, combined with theoretical elaboration, a large number of actual cases, charts and data will be cited. Therefore, literal translation is the main method in translation. Sometimes, the word order or expression form can be slightly adjusted without affecting the original meaning, so as to improve the readability of the translation.

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