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Many people who want to immigrate believe that there are still many people who do not understand the immigration procedures. Of course, if you want to know more about the translation process, we still need to seek the help of translation companies. Next, let's introduce the translation process of immigration procedures to you.

(1) Understand the conditions of investment immigration. That is to understand the specific provisions of the receiving country to accept investment immigrants. For example, the amount of investment is generally more than 100000 US dollars, some as high as 1 million US dollars. After understanding clearly, it is easy to make a choice in combination with their own actual economic strength. At the same time, it is necessary to select professional companies recognized by the Ministry of public security to support, so as to solve the docking problem of different financial systems and business environment;

(2) Obtain documents and information about investment immigration. Applicants can get it from overseas relatives and friends at immigration offices or directly from embassies (consulates) of relevant countries in China;

(3) Prepare the documents of investment immigration. These materials generally include the applicant's identity certificate, nationality certificate, property certificate, health status certificate, no criminal sanction certificate, etc., and they should be notarized by the notary organ and certified by the Department of foreign affairs respectively;

(4) Submit the documents and forms to the embassies (consulates) of relevant countries in China for approval;

(5) The relevant national embassies (consulates) in China shall review the applicant's documents and submit them back to China for approval;

(6) After examining the materials, the immigration authorities of the destination country decide whether to accept the applicant's application and inform the embassy (consulate) and the applicant of the result;

(7) After receiving the approval notice, the applicant can apply for the passport and visa, and set foot on the road of investment immigration.

The above is our translation company for you to introduce the immigration procedures of the translation process, I hope our introduction can help you, if you want to know more about translation knowledge, you can browse our website, we will provide you with more professional information.

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