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  According to skopos theory, advertising translation should take into account the purpose of translation and the acceptance group, taking into account the readability and acceptability of the target text. Then, what are the main points for an advertising translation interpreter in choosing a professional translation firm?
  1. advertising translation should be popular in the sense of beauty
  As the translation faces the vast numbers of consumers, it should take into account the educational level of consumers. After all, the advertising audience includes not only people who are well educated, but also many people who haven't been educated very well. In order to take care of this part of the consumer, advertising translation as far as possible should be easy to understand, but "user-friendly" does not mean "tacky", should also pay attention to beauty, let the reader get a beauty at the same time remember advertisements, so remember the advertised products. This also helps enterprises to establish, maintain and strengthen their brand image.
  2. advertising translation should receive cultural identity
  Language is the carrier of culture. Advertising language, as a special form of language, will certainly reflect the culture behind the language. "Different nations have different characteristics, different cultural backgrounds, political views, religious beliefs, national principles and traditional customs. Advertising language embodies a certain national and aesthetic values, reflects the values and ways of life, as well as different religious ideals and ethical standards. The purpose of advertising is to achieve product sales, and we have to consider the conflict between the source language culture and target language culture when we have the same advertising language translation. If the cross-cultural problem is not dealt with in translation, it will lead to the failure of advertising in the target language culture. Therefore, when translating the advertisement language, we should pay attention to the cultural recognition of the audience.
  3. advertising translation should be concise and creative
  一般说来,翻译 应该首先忠实于原文。但是,不同文体,忠实的程序不尽相同。比如,法律文体和科技文体的忠实度应该高一些,而文学作品和宣传材料的忠实度可以稍微低一些,特别在形式方面更应该灵活处理。因为后者的主要目的在于使译文的读者获得一种美感,从而吸引这些读者。广告语是一种典型的宣传文体,其主要目的在于尽可能地促销所宣传的产品,而“只有有创意的文体才能出奇制胜,吸引受众的注意,打动受众的消费心理,促动受众的消费行文,产生持久的效力”。所以,广告翻译地“忠实”的要求不是很高,多数情况下,除意思基本对应外,译者可以自由地发挥自己的创造力,灵活处理,充分发挥目的语在语言和文化上的优势,译出富有创意的译文。同时,还应注意译文的简洁,因为简洁可以让读者一目了然,更好地了解和记住产品可服务。
  Generally speaking, translation should first be faithful to the original. However, different styles and faithful procedures are not the same. For example, legal and stylistic fidelity should be higher, while literary and promotional materials can be a little less loyal, especially in the form. The main purpose of the latter is to attract the readers of the translated text with a sense of beauty. Advertising language is a kind of typical propaganda style, its main purpose is to promote the publicity of the products, while the only creative style to the game, to attract the attention of the audience, the audience by consumer psychology, to promote the audience's consumption. The lasting effect". Therefore, advertising translation "faithfulness" requirement is not very high, in most cases, in addition to the basic meaning of the corresponding, the translator can freely exert their creativity and flexibility, give full play to the advantages of the target language in language and culture, translation creative translation. At the same time, attention should also be paid to the simplicity of the translation, because simplicity allows the reader to see at a glance, better understand and remember that products can be served.
  Therefore, advertising translation should pay attention to the cultural psychology of target language readers, so that readers can have a sense of cultural identity, so as to achieve good translation effects and advertising effects.
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