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  The development of society has led to the development of Shanghai translation company to a certain extent. Many translators who do not know how to start the translation. Below, the translation company to teach you how to do a good job of data translation.


  1., first of all, ensure that all necessary reference materials such as good dictionaries and vocabulary are translated on hand.


  2. make full use of your time and don't spend all your time on data translation. There is a period of time for editing, and no translation is required without prior examination.


  3. mark the words that need to be looked up. So, you can at any time in translation, so as to ensure the coherence of the translation process. If you can't translate a new word, you should first find out the meaning of this word in a monolingual dictionary. Then you can look for possible translations in trustworthy resources.


  4. special investigations on proper nouns. You should make sure that the name of the person mentioned is spelled correctly (never believe it is correct only because it is original text). The translation skills, historical changes, time periods, and so on of geographical names should be treated the same way.


  5. don't try to puzzle out a difficult word to translate. It's better to leave temporary translation first (you can mark with different colors, such as green). When you understand more contextual background, and then come back to deal with this word, it will be helpful for you to translate correctly. Don't leave blanks, question marks, X or other symbols, which are easily overlooked when you deliver them at the end.


  6. translate according to the difficulty level. If you find some paragraphs easier, you should start with these paragraphs. There is no single way to translate data, so it won't be a one-off. You can even skip the difficult part and turn it directly to the end of the text, and if that part strengthens the theme, just a little more effort. Likewise, the goal of your comparative translation skills is never to leave any blanks or incomplete parts, so you can deal with the more complex parts as soon as you complete the easier parts of the text.


  The above is hzotc must pay attention to the translation company summary of the information in translation, translation should not only pay attention to skills, but also should pay attention to matters needing attention in the process of translation, which can make your translation work to achieve a multiplier effect, for the data you want to get involved in the translation work of the friends, can read the above content, hope can help you smoothly into the translation work.

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