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  For translation, people consider it is of high quality and reasonable price of the translation company, of course, the quality of translation is definitely the first row, but even more outstanding translators also can not guarantee the translation will be done in one step, translation is a process of continuous improvement, need after repeated audit to reach nearly perfect. In the process of translation can also use some techniques to improve the quality of translation, Shanghai translation company to tell you that these methods can improve the quality of Translation:
  1. Avoid rework
  First, try to do the translation well in the first time. Editing and revising work is complex, uncertain and time-consuming. So try to translate every word like a real time translation. The less work is needed to push and drag to the future, the smaller the chances that the work will be overlooked in editing and proofreading.
  2, don't let tug of war hurt your translation
  In the process of translation, the original language and the target language are like the tug of war, and the tension is constantly generated. According to the extent of our processing, our translation may be rich and colorful, and it may make our translation unbearable.
  Even if the translation will be edited by someone else later, most translators still attach importance to editing their own translations, which is a very good practice. Some of these translators like to edit in two steps: first compare the original text and the translation check the faithfulness, and then read the translation only to see if it is fluent. Some prefer to edit in reverse order: check fluency first, and then check fidelity. No matter what order you choose, you should stick to your own translation, otherwise you will not finish the work.
  3. Run the spelling and grammar checker
  Always run spelling and syntax checking programs before editing and proofreading text. However, before you check spelling and syntax, select the entire document and set the language to the translation language to ensure that the check program is fully activated. The prompt information should appear in the tool menu. Spelling and grammar checking programs are often laughed at. They sometimes fail to check out real problems, but give some ridiculous answers to questions that don't exist. However, spelling and grammar checking programs do find a number of issues worth noting, and many of the answers provided are absolutely right. Although it can't solve all the problems, it can save a lot of work.
  4. List dangerous words
  Which words are easily confused in the target language? For example: English Principle and principal, Chinese "image" and "image"". Which words may be wrong? Here is not that the spelling checker can be used to correct the mistakes in vocabulary, but refers to the legal vocabulary in English, for example: where and were, the Chinese image and graphics, the use of five pen will often take the "run" enter into "branch" this word is true, but have different meanings. Make a list of your frequently made mistakes, and use the search command to see if you have the wrong word.
  5, do not use the "replace all" command, which is the most deadly command among all commands. Although we know that the replacement of the operation can be revoked, but we also know, usually you only apply for all half an hour and 100 other text changes after the discovery of errors, and then control the correction is too late.
  6, understand the cognate words and typos and other
  If the two languages involved are cognate words, you probably have already been warned against false cognates, these words have different meanings but the same or very similar to the language, that is false friends, for example: eventual is a kind of meaning in English, and in Portuguese is another meaning of the word, let frustrated more than one wannabe translator.
  7. Comply with the translation rules and punctuation rules of the target language
  Different languages have different conventions of typesetting and punctuation, and the language usage of the target text should be observed in translation. Too many of our interpreters forget this and add the rules of the original language to the text of the target language. For example, we often see that the Portuguese translations of Brazil translate some words into English according to the English rules. Some Chinese words are translated into italics in accordance with the English rules, and some Chinese punctuation marks and item numbers are also found in some English translations.
  Many translators are careless when they input, or never learn how to use the computer to input text. For example, we often find such a translation: the existence of extra spaces between words, text, comma before the emergence of space, space is not English period, after a period Chinese with spaces, tabs are used incorrectly and so on. This kind of text not only brings unnecessary difficulties to editing, typesetting and proofreading, but also makes careless impression on customers, which is extremely unfavorable to our image. Do not say that this does not belong to your work: we should strive to do their own translation, so that the editor and the proofreading staff do not have to revise the translation, although it is impossible, but should always try to do so. That doesn't mean that you should become an editor. In fact, we all admit a typesetting and All the world knows. saying: typesetting staff do not translate, we do not do typesetting. The above is only to say that our work should conform to several "typesetting hygiene" basic rules.
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  •  电话:021-51691607 50716167
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  •  邮箱:huizhifanyi@126.com
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