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  Now there are many sports competitions in China and foreign countries. People in front of the TV will hear the Chinese-English translation. Have you noticed the characteristics and methods in the process of English-Chinese sports translation?


  (1) Literal and free translation of sports news translation:


  1. Abbreviations are widely used in sports English, with distinctive features of professional vocabulary. If the content and structure of the original text have corresponding expressions in Chinese, then sports English text. Literal translation can be used to ensure faithfulness to the original content and maintain the original style. On the contrary, if the corresponding content can not be found, the method of free translation is adopted. It should be noted that in both literal and free translation, we should not neglect the two major factors: context and sports English translation criteria. As literal translation and free translation have always been two important methods of translation, in order to speed up the spread of sports, different sports organizations in the world are no exception. In what contexts, the use of which one needs to be considered for years of communication, resulting in a higher frequency of use of proper nouns, saving sports problems. There are some more complex structures, which adopt the combination of literal translation and free translation.

  2.英语翻译融合了日常用语和体育专业术语,具有一定的特殊性。随着经济全球化的不断发展,世界各国之间体育文化交流日益频繁,作为国际体育交流工具的体育英语也逐渐受到人们的重视。若要促进我国体育事业的进一 步发展就必须加强体育英语因此,先即译文诙谐,术语准确; 减少歧义,译名统一。并从直译和意译两个方面研究了体育英语的翻译策略。

  2. English translation combines daily language and sports terminology, which has certain particularity. With the continuous development of economic globalization, sports and cultural exchanges between countries around the world are becoming more and more frequent. Sports English, as a tool of international sports exchanges, has also been paid more and more attention. If we want to promote the further development of sports in China, we must strengthen sports English. Therefore, first of all, we should translate it in a humorous way with accurate terminology, reduce ambiguity and unify the names. The translation strategies of sports English are studied from literal translation and free translation.


  (2) The rhetorical features of sports English:

  体育英语翻译中常用到典故、习语、比喻、双关和借代等手法。如“Klinsmann was the player to hit a hat trick in Wold Cup final”中, “hat trick”就是一个习语,常用来指代一个人 在同场比赛中进三个球。再如,我们在体育英语中常见的 “derby”一词就来源于一个典故,与英国的一个小城德比郡赛马有关。因此,“derby” (德比)也常指同一区域球队的比赛。又如“Green army”常被译作“绿衫军”,其实是指NBA中的凯尔特人队,由于他们时常穿绿色球衣,因此,在体育 英语中用“Green army”指代。此外,在 2008 年北京奥运会 男子佩剑比赛中,法国队有两名选手进了四强,而中国队只 有一名选手入围,这名中国选手的外籍教练是法国人,最终 中国队赢得了冠军,因此,体育新闻趣称“One Frenchman beats a group of Frenchman” (一个法国人打败了一群法国人)这里显然运用了双关的修辞手法,增添了这则体育信息的生动性。

  Allusions, idioms, metaphors, puns and metonymies are commonly used in sports English translation. For example, "Klinsmann was the player to hit a hat trick in Wold Cup final" is an idiom, often used to refer to a person scoring three goals in the same game. Another example is that the word "derby" which we often use in sports English comes from an allusion, which is related to Derbyshire horse racing in a small town in England. Therefore, "derby" also refers to the matches of teams in the same region. For example, "Green Army" is often translated as "Green Shirt Army". In fact, it refers to the Celtics in the NBA. Because they often wear green jerseys, they are referred to as "Green Army" in sports English. In addition, in the men's saber competition of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, France has two players in the top four, while China has only one player in the finals. The foreign coach of the Chinese player is French, and eventually China won the championship. Therefore, the sports news joke says "One Frenchman beats a group of Frenchman" (a Frenchman defeated a group of Frenchman). Pun rhetoric is used to add vividness to the sports information.


  (3) Syntactic features of sentences in sports English translation:

  1.体育英语翻译还多使用短句与祈使句。这些带有祈使语气的句子可以简洁明了地传达信息,符合体育赛事激情变化的特点。 例如,教练在训练过程中为了激励队员的斗志,鼓励他们不懈地努力战斗,时常会说“Go awards or go home” (要么胜利要么滚回家) 。 再好比,在球类比赛中球员时常会说 “Pass me the ball,slam dunk it”(我可以扣篮与传球) 。在赛场上这种短句显然更便于交流,同时还可以鼓励队友,增添团队的士气。除此之外,体育英语还多采用陈述句,尤其在体育英新闻中,由于多涉及对体育赛事过程及结果的传达,因此,很少采用疑问句或感叹句,多用陈述语气,客观传达体育信息。

  1. Short sentences and imperative sentences are often used in sports English translation. These sentences with imperative mood can convey information concisely and concisely, which is in line with the characteristics of the change of passion in sports events. For example, coaches often say "Go awards or go home" in order to motivate their players and encourage them to fight tirelessly during training. For example, in ball games, players often say "Pass me the ball, slam dunk it" (I can dunk and pass). This kind of short sentence is obviously easier to communicate on the field, and it can also encourage teammates and increase team morale. Besides, declarative sentences are often used in sports English. Especially in sports news, because they involve the transmission of the process and results of sports events, interrogative sentences or exclamatory sentences are seldom used, and declarative mood is often used to objectively convey sports information.

  2.在体育英语中常用现在时代替过去时,这可以让 受众有身临其境之感,增添表达的感染力。例如 At the end Lina beats her rival(李娜在决赛中最终打败了对手) ,这里就 运用了一般现在时。

  2. In sports English, the present age is often used to replace the past tense, which can give the audience a sense of immersion and increase the appeal of expression. For example, at the end Lina beats her rival (Li Na defeated her opponent in the final), the present tense is used here.

  3.体育英语中还时常出现一些省略句。例如 Tiger Woods blamed with gossip news.在这则体育新闻中省略了表示被动语态的 “be”,这显然不符合语法规则,但这种表达方式已经成为当前体育英语的显着特点。

  3. Some ellipsis sentences often appear in sports English. For example, Tiger Woods blamed with gossip news. In this sports news, the "be" expressing the passive voice is omitted, which obviously does not conform to the grammatical rules, but this expression has become a prominent feature of sports English.


  These are the features and methods of Chinese-English translation introduced by Shanghai Translator. I hope they will be helpful to you. If you want to know anything else, you can consult us. We will have professional people to answer for you.


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