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  Consecutive interpretation is one of the most common and important tasks in foreign affairs translation. According to the characteristics of the work, it can be roughly divided into two categories: one is the translation of provincial and municipal leaders when they meet foreign guests; the other is the translation of large-scale foreign affairs activities. What are the specific differences? Let the staff of Shanghai Translation Company introduce them to you.


  I. Interpretation of Provincial and Municipal Leaders'Meetings


  First of all, we should fully grasp the basic situation and characteristics of our province or city and the basic information of each successive interpreting task, mainly the following four items:

  1.本省(市)的主要经济、社会发展数据,包括GDP,人均GDP,进出口总值,协议/实际利用外资,主要科研机构,在校大学生数目等, 并及时更新这些数据。

  1. Major economic and social development data of the province (city), including GDP, per capita GDP, total import and export value, agreement/actual utilization of foreign capital, major scientific research institutions, the number of University students, etc., are updated in time.


  2. The economic characteristics of the province (city). That is, the dominant economy, traditional superior industries and the advantages of our province (city) in science, education, culture and health. In addition, we should be familiar with the introduction and historical background of some famous scenic spots in our province (city).


  3. At ordinary times, special attention should be paid to the translation of specific phrases with local characteristics. Governments at all levels often use highly generalized terms to express local policies and characteristics, such as "keeping the big and the small", "saving oil and energy", "saving agriculture, countryside", "having paradise, Suzhou and hangzhou" and "the land of fish and rice", which are specifically aimed at energy conservation and emission reduction. These words are highly policy-oriented and frequently used. On-the-spot re-translation can not only not ensure accuracy, but also take up a lot of time. Therefore, we must be familiar with them in peacetime.


  4. Attention should be paid to close ties with current affairs. For example, shortly after the Wenchuan Earthquake, the EU Ambassador to China visited, and the topic of earthquake relief must be discussed by both sides. The words like "counterpart support" and "movable panel house" must be mastered before the task.


  Secondly, we should grasp the basic information of foreign countries.


  1. The main purpose and background of foreign visitors'trip. For this phenomenon, we need to emphasize that we must persevere in obtaining each other's information through all possible channels. Even 10 minutes before our departure, we should not give up and never fight unprepared battles.


  2. Grasp the resume of foreign guests, including their educational, professional and religious backgrounds, as well as their photos.


  3. Brief introduction of foreign visiting units or institutions.


  4. Overall itinerary of foreign delegations during their visits.


  II. Translation of Large-scale Foreign Affairs Activities


  Intentionally add performance factors. Usually, it is easy for leaders to speak enthusiastically, generously and enthusiastically. The translation is correct, but the intonation is flat and without distinctive features. Therefore, we should also learn to mobilize our emotions and cooperate with the overall atmosphere. We can usually practice in the following aspects:


  1. Develop the habit of facing the public. A better way is to see more familiar people.


  2. Keep your voice loud, your spirit strong and your standing posture straight (Practice: Read aloud)


  3. Reaction should be fast, but not too fast. It is difficult for the audience to absorb the speech too fast. They should master the speed by themselves and keep the medium speed.


  4. We should have good psychological quality and be good at covering up deficiencies. For example, leaders should give full play on the spot and add poems to their speeches. At this time, we must not panic. It is good to translate with "basic accuracy, basic completeness".


  5. Be confident. A good level of self-confidence, but lack of self-confidence, will greatly reduce the translation effect.


  The above mentioned is how to improve their level of consecutive interpretation of the small knowledge, I hope to help you all. To learn more about translation, you can continue to pay attention to the website of Shanghai Translation Company.


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