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  In accompanying translation, an interpreter may be able to turn the leader's speeches into drips and drips, but when he encounters some problems in his life, he may not be able to respond to them for a while. However, in practice, accompanying translators may ignore some knowledge blind spots, hoping that novice members can prepare in advance and prescribe appropriate remedies. Now let's talk to you from the customer service staff of Shanghai Translation Company.


  1. Dietary vocabulary


  Ninety-nine times out of ten, accompanying translators will encounter the situation of eating with foreign guests. For foreign guests who do not know Chinese, the name, ingredients, cooking methods and allusions behind each dish are the focus of attention. Especially foreign guests who have taboos on certain diets or are interested in Chinese catering culture must know clearly the composition of each dish and the context of its origin and development before they stop. 。 If the translation can not provide the above information accurately at this time, the foreign guests will not say it in their mouth and will also question the level of the interpreter in their heart.


  2. Medical and health vocabulary


  It is inevitable to have a headache and fever when going out. If foreign guests are not acclimatized or sick, the translator is duty-bound to accompany them to see a doctor or buy medicines. Therefore, it is necessary to master the names of common diseases, symptoms, diagnostic methods and drug names. Only in this way can we avoid confusion in the case of unexpected situations.


  3. Visiting Words and Sentences


  The most important function of escort translation is to accompany foreign visitors to visit, which should be familiar with scenic spots, religious culture, historical allusions and so on.


  In particular, it is easy to overlook the translation of some common or characteristic names of animals and plants, religion-specific words and historical figures and stories.

  记得一次,外宾路过一座古寺突然兴致大发,非要进去看看。我在解释佛教人物和特定称谓时着实费了一番精力,很多地方实在记不起来确切译法,只好意译了,比如罗汉译成了“guards of Buddha”(其实这样翻译是不准确的,罗汉是道行不够的神,低于菩萨,不是佛祖的卫士), “阿难”和“迦叶”涉及古印度语,翻成了“two famous students of Buddha”。

  I remember once when a foreign guest passed an ancient temple and suddenly became very interested, so he had to go in and have a look. I spent a lot of energy in explaining Buddhist characters and specific appellations. I can't remember the exact translation in many places, so I had to translate freely. For example, Luohan was translated into "guards of Buddha" (in fact, this translation is inaccurate, Luohan is a God with insufficient Taoism, lower than Bodhisattva, not a guardian of Buddha), "Ananda". And "Kaya" refers to ancient Hindi, which is translated into "two famous students of Buddha".


  4. Common Sentences of Commodity and Bargaining


  Shopping is a problem that almost every translator will encounter. Different foreign guests have different concerns. Sometimes they buy things beyond our familiar range.


  5. Vocabulary related to China's national conditions and traditional culture


  This range is very large, ranging from traditional Chinese medicine, Qigong, fine arts, calligraphy, music, literature and sports to politics, economy, society, humanities and geography in all parts of China. As an interpreter, it is better to accumulate more in peacetime so as not to be timid when foreign guests ask questions.


  The above content is sorted out for you by the customer service staff of Shanghai Translation Company. I hope that the explanations in this paper will be helpful to you all. To learn more about the relevant knowledge, you can pay attention to our website.


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