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新闻同声翻译要怎么做 以下四点大家要了解


  Simultaneous translation is a kind of translation method which can deliver the speech to the audience without interrupting the speaker. When it is mainly used for news release, simultaneous translation needs to be multi-purpose and familiar with two languages, so there are strict requirements for translators. Now the customer service staff of Shanghai translation company will tell you how to do news simultaneous translation.


  I. professional and technical background


  News simultaneous interpretation involves a lot of professional knowledge. Only with a certain technical background can we fully understand and accurately translate it.


  2. Solid bilingual Foundation


  Journalists must be proficient in the source and target languages of simultaneous interpretation, and be proficient in the use of vocabulary, syntax and tense to become a subconscious. Preparation before broadcast is very important. Each news simultaneous interpretation task has its own content characteristics and special vocabulary, which can be dealt with calmly only when it is fully prepared and warmed up. Simultaneous reporters should have a strong ability to capture language (foreign language and native language), be interested in new things and remember the expression of some news neologisms in time. At the same time, it is necessary to speak in order, with substance, clear articulation, fluent and neat language tone. Simultaneous interpretation work time is urgent, so the usual language accumulation is very important to create a successful simultaneous reporter.


  III. quick response speed


  News simultaneous interpretation requires high timeliness and involves many information points. Therefore, simultaneous reporters should have quick response speed. Journalists must report the unexpected news events quickly and accurately at the first time, especially the time, place, characters and on-the-spot situation of a news event. However, the causes, process and other factors of the event may need to be investigated after the event. In contrast, journalists should have quick response speed and good command of language (foreign language and mother language) Language).


  4. Good psychological quality and strong desire for knowledge

  良好的心理素质是良好口才表现的基础。口才实际上是思辨之才、善辩之才、捷辩之才,它体现的是一种综合性的才能。既有“口”又有“才”,不仅反映的是一个人的语言能力,同时也是一个人的素养、才智、气质、品格和情操的综合体现。著名口译专家jean herbert曾说过,做一个好的同传从业人员要“既专才,又是通才”。新闻同传所要翻译的内容涉及面宽,包括全球发展的方方面面,如政治、经济、文化、科技、人口、环境、卫生、战争、和平等。因此,要求新闻同传记者要“上晓天文、下知地理”。对越是熟悉的题材,同传翻译的效果越出色。同时还要做到“处乱不惊、情绪稳定”;要有较强的情绪控制能力,在任何情况下都要保持镇定。

  Good psychological quality is the basis of good eloquence. In fact, eloquence is the talent of speculation, of eloquence and of agility. It embodies a comprehensive talent. It not only reflects a person's language ability, but also reflects a person's accomplishment, intelligence, temperament, character and sentiment. Jean Herbert, a famous interpreter, once said that to be a good simultaneous interpreter, one should be "both professional and versatile". The content of news simultaneous interpretation involves a wide range, including all aspects of global development, such as politics, economy, culture, science and technology, population, environment, health, war, peace, etc. Therefore, journalists are required to "know astronomy and geography". The more familiar the subject matter is, the better the effect of simultaneous interpretation is. At the same time, we need to be "calm and stable"; we need to have strong emotional control ability and keep calm under any circumstances.


  If the mood is not stable, there will be stage fright, which will affect the understanding and translation quality. Sometimes practitioners will even have "brain blank" phenomenon. In order to maintain a good psychological quality, we should mainly rely on peacetime building, strengthen the training and learning of news professional knowledge and simultaneous interpretation quality after work, and the mastery of any skill is the result of "accumulated and hard training in peacetime". With a solid foundation, self-confidence will come naturally. With self-confidence, the psychological state will be easy to adjust.


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