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  With the rapid development of China's economy, more and more enterprises have begun to conduct business contacts with foreign friends. In the process of conversation, professional translators are needed to translate. However, there are many translation companies now, and the quality of translation is uneven, so we must polish our eyes when choosing a translation company. Now the customer service staff of Shanghai translation company will tell you how to choose a professional translation company.


  1、 Don't trust advertisements


  On the Internet, there are so many advertisements that every one of them has no way to start. We emphasize here that to find a formal translation company, to judge whether a company is formal and competent for your requirements, we need to know as follows:


  1. Whether the introduction of the official website is comprehensive, including the company's situation, business content, qualification certificate and customer cases;


  2. Whether the price is transparent? If you feel that the quotation is not transparent enough in communication with some translation companies, you should be careful;


  3. Whether the quality is guaranteed. Customers are concerned about quality. As a professional translation company, we have our own process system for quality control. If there is no detailed introduction in its official website, please pay attention to whether it has the translation ability to serve customers.


  2、 Don't be greedy


  In order to compete, many translation companies tend to press the price very low to win business. A strong company will offer a reasonable price. Below the quoted price in the market, translation quality stars are often not guaranteed. At the end of the day, it may cost more to fix, but it's not worth it.


  3、 Integrity or not

  看公司的好坏最为重要的就是看这家公司是否有很高的诚信度,一家只有几十个翻译水平高的公司会比- 家声称有成百上千译员的公司会更让人信任。在翻译这一行业,高水平的翻译人才并不多见,一家有上百译员的公司,别太注重公司规模,选择正规、资历深的翻译公司往往服务更周到,更为理想。

  The most important thing to see whether the company is good or not is whether it has a high degree of integrity. A company with only a few dozen high-level translators will be more trustworthy than a company that claims to have hundreds of translators. In the translation industry, there are not many high-level translators. A company with hundreds of translators should not pay too much attention to the scale of the company. It is more thoughtful and ideal to choose a regular and qualified translation company.


  4、 Goods comparison


  Each translation company has its own characteristics and areas of expertise, so when customers are looking for cooperation with translation companies, they need to understand the details through communication, and compare the prices and quality of three. For those translation companies whose translation price is not transparent or who cooperate at a price lower than the market price, we should be very careful, because there are many customers whose feedback is not guaranteed, and the subsequent costs are greater, and some of them have not been paid directly. Therefore, if you have sufficient budget, you are suggested to choose a translation platform or a large translation company for cooperation. These companies have good service experience, high level of project management, sufficient professional translators to follow up the translation tasks of customers, and perfect after-sales service in quality star, which can make customers feel relieved to cooperate.


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