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  Since the reform and opening up, the research on Social Sciences has developed rapidly in China, which basically covers philosophy, social science and other fields. Therefore, the research on the translation of Social Sciences texts is of great significance to the development of China. Now the customer service staff of Shanghai translation company will introduce how to translate social science texts.


  Concepts are similar in form to technical terms and are often held by a culture. The uniqueness of a concept is related to its emergence in a certain period or ethnic ideology. It may not be able to express its true meaning only by translating such words in a query dictionary, thus misleading the target readers. This requires the translator not only to be familiar with the theme of the text, but also to understand the broader semantic field of the text. The academic context formed by the text plays an implicit but crucial role in the translation operation.


  At the lexical level, in order to express objectively and accurately, a lot of professional terms are used in social science texts. The accurate translation of these terms is the premise to ensure the high quality of the translation. Therefore, translators should refer to professional dictionaries to understand their true meanings so as to translate accurately.


  At the lexical level, in view of the characteristics of the extensive use of technical terms in the original text, the author adopts the translation strategy of "literal translation". Literal translation refers to the accurate presentation of the original expression, which focuses more on the integrity of the source language. Because some technical terms in the source language are easy to understand, they can be directly translated into Chinese. It not only keeps the original content and style, but also can produce the same reaction with the source language readers in the target readers.


  At the syntactic level, the target text is not simply to stack sentences and paragraphs, but to integrate them according to a certain logic, which must conform to a certain case. In other words, there must be cohesion between each part. In order to seek discourse cohesion, translators can use two cohesive devices: adding translation and collocation. Additional translation means adding necessary words on the basis of accurate understanding of the original text. Collocation means to match words properly. In order to adapt to the expression of the target language, the translator can add necessary and appropriate words in the translation of the original text, which can not only convey the information of the original text, but also make the translation readable.

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