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  There are many translation companies now. We will come to know what kind of translation talents are needed in the current market in China.


  At present, the gap of Chinese translators is up to 90%. There are about 60000 translation professionals and 500000 translation practitioners in China. This figure may increase to 1million in the future. At present, there are nearly 3000 Chinese translation companies in the register, but most of them are small in scale. Most translators are part-time and not professional. The author believes that to solve the problem of translation professionals, they should be "professionalized" first.


  Nowadays, the translation industry is becoming more and more depressed, and the translation industry lacks cohesion. Therefore, the translation industry should have the ability to break through.


  At present, the curriculum of foreign language major in Colleges and universities in China is mainly based on basic skills and basic knowledge, while translation involves all aspects of specific content and knowledge. How to become a qualified professional translation depends more on his work and the practical experience he has accumulated in the process of professionalization. According to Cai Jianfeng, the chief editor of foreign language teaching and Research Press, the foreign research institute is "both useful and nurturing" for translation talents. First, consciously put the top-level and first-class experts in China into the expert resource base. They are responsible for the specific work of the foreign research institute, but also guide editors and professional translation. Second, strengthen contact with international sinologists, so that sinologists can also become the guest of their training team. Third, we will constantly introduce and train some talents from the society, and strengthen the translation team to form a professional translation talent team. The imported translators cooperate with the original translation to make up for the shortcomings of the training in the society. Fourthly, it is necessary to provide opportunities for translation in daily work as much as possible, so that they can get opportunities for training and improvement, so that they can become more mature and challenge and develop to the more professional and higher level of translation.


  It is understood that there are more than 400000 translators in China, but most of them are part-time translators, lacking scientific management methods. The management of translators is similar to the foreign way of signing the contract, and most of them are directly selected translators. Experts pointed out that to realize the specialization of translation talents, we must establish a translation market access system, and implement the qualification certification and certification of translators to improve the overall quality of the translation industry. Specifically, professional translation is not a foreign language, or a foreign language college can be qualified. A qualified professional translation must first master two or more languages, namely, their own mother tongue and foreign language. Translation involves two languages. To express the content expressed in another language faithfully, the translator must have the ability to master the two languages. Second, we should have the specific skills of translation. Translation is the process of information transfer between two languages. Taking conference interpretation as an example, it is necessary to quickly understand the meaning of speakers in a very short time, record them, and then combine them with another language accurately and repeat them. This process needs long-term training, which requires a high level of memory ability, recording ability, logical analysis ability and understanding ability of interpreters. Third, it requires a wide range of knowledge background, especially understanding of political, economic, legal and international affairs, and is a miscellaneous family. In addition, there should be good professional ethics, no matter in any situation, it is necessary to convey the meaning of the translator truthfully and accurately.


  Secondly, translation talents need scientific management. In China, in addition to the work nature of Foreign Affairs Bureau, Ministry of foreign affairs and Xinhua news agency, there are two translation groups in translation market: foreign language publishing house with the nature of public institutions and translation companies operating purely commercialized. How to use, train and manage the translation talents is also the key to realize the specialization of translation talents.


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