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  一个合格的国际商务合同的译者,必须具备一定的专业知识。很显然,要正确地理解原文,光凭英语或汉语水平本身是不够的,还得具备与国际商务合同有关的专业知识。这些知识包括:我国有关的涉外法律、法规;有关WTO规则、国际 贸易惯例和各种习惯做法等,还涉及到各类业务知识,如商品、市场、商检、运输、保险、国际金融、仲裁、汇率等。特别是一些难度较大的合同,如国际技术贸易合同,除应具备一般国际商务合同的知识外,还涉及到投资、税法、外汇管理、技术服务、技术改进、侵权保密等方面的问题。




  The standard of contract translation is not only the requirement of contract translation, but also the guide to the practice of contract translation. The requirement of contract translation is a necessary condition of contract translation. To do a good job in the translation of contract documents, translators must have all kinds of qualities. Next, let's introduce the qualities of an interpreter to you.

  First, have a high sense of responsibility

  As a translator of international business contracts, he must have a high sense of responsibility and a serious and meticulous work style. International business contracts involve the economic interests of both Chinese and foreign parties, as well as the principle of sovereignty of a country. When translating contract documents, translators should not only be satisfied with the translation itself, but also should consider legal, economic and social factors. They should be good at using correct positions, viewpoints and methods to analyze, study and deeply understand the contents of the original text. They should point out the contents of clauses in the original text that are contrary to China's laws and policies, so as to avoid losses. It should be clearly pointed out that the translator of the contract is the reviewer of the original text first, which is the great difference between the contract translator and the translator of other works.

  Second, have a certain level of Chinese and foreign language

  The process of translation is essentially the process of understanding the original text and expressing the translated text. On the premise of an accurate understanding of the English translation, skillful use of Chinese to express the content of the original text, or on the basis of an accurate understanding of the Chinese original text, accurate use of English to express the content of the Chinese original text, is the unity of skillful use of the two languages, no matter what the lack will affect the quality of the translation.

  Third, have the necessary professional knowledge

  A qualified translator of international business contract must have certain professional knowledge. Obviously, in order to understand the original text correctly, it is not enough to only rely on English or Chinese proficiency, but also to have professional knowledge related to international business contracts. This knowledge includes: China's relevant laws and regulations concerning foreign affairs; relevant WTO rules, international trade practices and various customary practices, etc., as well as all kinds of business knowledge, such as commodities, markets, commodity inspection, transportation, insurance, international finance, arbitration, exchange rate, etc. In particular, some difficult contracts, such as international technology trade contracts, should not only have knowledge of general international business contracts, but also involve investment, tax law, foreign exchange management, technical services, technical improvement, infringement and confidentiality.

  Fourthly, they should have theoretical knowledge and practical experience in translation

  Translation theory is the summary and generalization of translation practice, which goes beyond the guide of solving and guiding translation practice problems and makes it easy for translators to find possible methods to solve translation practice problems. In translation practice, translators often encounter such a situation: although they know the meaning of the terms, it is difficult to express them in a standard and smooth translation. The problem lies in that the translator either does not fully understand the exact meaning of some sentence patterns and commonly used phrases in the original sentence, or does not understand what is the change of parts of speech, what is the change of word order, what is the addition or omission of words, and under what circumstances the translation is smooth, and under what circumstances the translation is inverted. With only one English Dictionary and several professional dictionaries, it is impossible to translate word by word and sentence by sentence.

  The above is our translation company Xiaobian to introduce to you about the quality of contract translators should have, I hope our introduction can help you, if you want to know more about translation knowledge, you can browse our website, we will provide you with more professional information.

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